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Christopher & Grace

인도 파송 선교사

Christopher Chun & Grace Chun

** 선교사님은 현재 코로나로 인하여 미국으로 선교지를 임시 바꾸셨습니다 **

1. 선교사님! 소개를 부탁드립니다

We are a family of three (soon to be five): Christopher, Grace, and Hudson. Grace is pregnant with twins. We are missionaries with Youth with a Mission (YWAM). Christopher was a missionary with YWAM for seven years before he met Grace. Grace was a missionary in Nepal for two years before she met Chris. After getting married in 2016, we served in Varanasi, India for three and a half years. We recently moved to the YWAM base in Kona, Hawaii to create ways for sustainable missions. Our plan is to return to India in the next three to five years.

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Christopher Chun & Grace Chun

2. 인도로 선교를 가게된 동기가 어떻게 되시나요?

We served in India because the call of God was clear on our lives to serve there. We also saw the great need that exists in India. 1.3 billion unreached peoples. There are very few missionaries that go to North India.

3. 선교사님 사역을 간략하게 설명해 주실수 있으신가요?

We are long term missionaries and feel called to India. Our plan is to live our lives there to the fullest that God would allow. We want to raise up indigenous workers to be sent out to reach their own people. We want to be able to send Indians to reach Indians. They are more effective than we can ever be. The season in YWAM Kona is to take ministry trips to India to make long term connections. And we want to build businesses that will give us support and access to India.

4. 현지에서 사역하면서 어떤 어려움이 있으신가요?

The most difficult thing while working locally were the sickness and losses we experienced. We had grace from God for the culture, smells, food, and all the other things that come with being an overseas missionary. We also had grace for the sickness and losses, but those were still very hard for us as a family.

5. 선교사님의 기도제목은 무엇인가요?

1. We would love prayer for wisdom and direction for our ministry. We are trying to create access for ourselves and other missionaries to closed nations.

2. We would love prayer for our growing family. We are having twins, so we will be outnumbered as parents. Please ask God for the grace and wisdom as parents.

6. 선교사님 영상

7. 사진

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